Monday, January 10, 2011

Dinner w/ a friend- 19.84
Donation Monthly- 20$

Parking ramp- 9.00
Drinks- 15.00
Dinner for 2- 15.90
Hair Done- 34.00
Monthly Subscription- 39.95

gas- 13.00
vitamin water- 1.50

coffee- 3.20
dr. bill- 42.00

Well after all of that...I am understanding why I'm in debt! This gave me a serious wake up call!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

January 3rd & 4th

Groceries- $51.54 (gift cards so they were essentially free)
Monthly Donation - $15.00

1/4/11-School book- 131.39 (i hate buying text books(

Monday, January 3, 2011

Daily Spending

A Eagle- 21.16 (free shipping and 20% off a clearance hoodie) No more clothes shopping in January!
McD's- 2.12 Lg Iced Tea and 3 cookies (roadtrip to back to my apt from my weekend festivities)

Monday, August 16, 2010

I'm more ways than one!

Hello everyone...

Well I began my adventure to a new job, debt free, a new city and single...(ok well I am still single fortunately!)
As far as the others go, not so much.  I'm back at my old job, the "new" one didn't work.  Then didn't expose the whole truth in the interview or the job description and it ended up being terrible fit for me.  So about three weeks in I began looking for something else in the new city, I came up lead-less and completely stressed out and terrified that I would have to stay in the new job until something else came up.  When I mentioned to my old supervisor (when asked) that I was lied to by my new company.  She swooped in and offered me a different position in my old company my old city.  And blessed as I was feeling I took it in a heartbeat.  I was relieved and I actually like my new position a lot.  I do in many ways feel like I failed, but at the same time I realized how valuable my old job saw me.  That makes me feel a lot better about the whole situation.

Onto the next issue...between me quitting my old job and starting the new (old) one, trying to fill a void by mindlessly spending, and my lease on my apt ending and my old roommate moving in with her boyfriend...I've racked my debt back up!  I'm not proud of it.  But I will now be paying almost double for a one bedroom apartment and I need to (AGAIN) put a stop to using these cards NOW!!!

I do feel like I've learned a ton by starting my blog and reading many wonderfully inspirational blogs out there.  So I know I can knock this debt out quick!  So here we go...and please be kind I know its ridiculous that I could fall this hard this fast.

Bank card- 2,281.46

So here we go...
I'm getting out of DEBT AGAIN!

Monday, May 3, 2010

The move is on....

Its saving time here in ESPERANZA world!! I'm moving away from the place I've been living for the past 6 years. I'm moving home closer to my parents and sisters and all of my extended family.  I'm excited I'm ready for this change.  But at the same time I'm terrified of leaving my comfort zone.  I've actually even been in the same apartment for 4 years in July. So its not just the town I'm attached to.  Then there is the boy I've been dating on an off for the past 3+ years.  I know moving is the right choice but it doesn't seem to make it any easier.  I've actually been very emotional since I've gotten the offer.  I accepted it and I'm going to start packing.

It is time to start the next chapter of my life.  I'm ready.

Savings time begins!

Friday, April 16, 2010

No MORE....

The credit card fee's have finally left my budget! It has taken me a year and 3 months to achieve.  But I figure If i would still be paying the minimums on all of my cards I would still have a good 12 years to go even if I never charged another dime...thats makes me feel better :)

I'm done living on Credit and I'm onto bigger things such as my car loan...haha

Still I'm absolutely ELATED that I can live on my income and no longer rely on these.  Even though i don't have many readers I honestly feel that the ones I do have, are part of the reason these are out of my life. Thanks everyone.

I think I'm going to take next month to catch my emergency fund back up to 1000$ and then in June Start killing my car loan.  I'm not sure whats in store for me as of yet for moving so I'm going to try and save as much as I can to have a small cushion for possible moving expenses.  My dad has a trailer so I won't have to spend anything for that besides gas.  Then I might stay at home until my lease is up so I won't have to drive as far.  This is all tentative to receiving my offer from my new employer.

Have a great weekend.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Difficulty= Opportunities

In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.

another 10$ go to hsbc

and now 235$ is the balance :) So next month I will start throwing money at my car loan which honestly is going to be much more tough than credit cards....

but then I was thinking as soon as I pay that off I can't charge more onto it. So maybe it will go quicker than I expect it too.

I owe 13,283.00
Min Payment= 285$

My take home pay has went down because I'm now on my employers insurance and our commission has been less mostly due to the economy. I have that job offer which I'm undecided on because I'm going to have to move and only have a small $1,000 in the bank. So I'm trying to decide if I should just save as much as I can in case I move.

I'm also considering just getting a part time job that will pay my bills so I can finish school already. I wouldn't have insurance which would be a huge problem and I wouldn't be able to pay off debt but at least I would finish my degree quicker. But seriously I don't even know what I want to do. I don't really enjoy the 9-5 workday ....but I sure do love my nights and weekends off and maybe if I wasn't in school the other hours that I'm not working everyday it wouldn't be so terrible.

Either way I've got some amazing opportunities coming up and I can't wait to see where they lead me :)